




A RESOLUTION relative to affirming support against the establishment of a state religion.


SPONSORS: Rep. Belcher, Carr. 4; Rep. Corcoran, Hills. 44


COMMITTEE: State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs






This resolution defines religion, Marxism, and Marxism as a religious doctrine.  This resolution also urges the house of representatives to state Marixism conflicts with the establishment clause of the United States constitution, is a state-church when it is put into effect through government, and conflicts with the ideas of the founding of the United States.


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In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty Three


A RESOLUTION relative to affirming support against the establishment of a state religion.


Whereas, "Religion" may be defined as a faith system or world view with accompanying metaphysics, theories of knowledge, presuppositions about the fundamental nature of existence, reality, and the human experience, human consciousness, agency, ethical claims as to the nature of good and evil which may give rise to duties of conscience, theories of history, historicism and end times mythology; and

Whereas, Marxism may be defined as any of the varied ideologies within the broader genus of dialectical leftism, including but not limited to communism (also defined as dialectical materialism), woke-ism (also defined as dialectical critical constructivism), neo-Marxism (also defined as dialectical social constructivism), intersectionality (also defined as dialectical identitarianism), and fascism (also defined as dialectical ethnonationalism); and

Whereas, all species of Marxism present fundamental metaphysical claims about the nature of reality and the human experience, agency, consciousness, and ethics; and

Whereas, Marxism asserts that the oppressor-oppressed dialectic of conflict theory forms the basis for understanding the "scientific" progression of history through the Hegelian scientismic trinity of state, society, and man towards an immanent eschaton of a utopian nature and end-times mythology; and

Whereas, Marxism asserts the nature of all human relations as through the lens of conflict theory wherein all hierarchy is tyrannical and unnecessary, and all material and social conditions exist to uphold these tyrannical hierarchies, that those oppressors unwittingly uphold these practices for their own benefit, while those of special "critical consciousness" can become aware of their oppression and act as change agents by "doing the work" of sociopolitical activism utilizing their special, "authentic," priestly understanding of Marxian theory; and

Whereas, Marxism asserts a doctrine of historicism as a spirit of history driving purposely and progressively toward the heavenly eschaton, but capable of being diverted towards hellish "fascism" through the counter actions of conservatives; and

Whereas, Marxism gives rise to duties of conscience to be "on the right side of history" by assisting the spirit of history towards immanentizing the eschaton through perpetual revolution, "doing the work," and struggle sessions of purging "reactionary'' beliefs; and

Whereas, modern Marxism asserts doctrines of social constructivism, individual subjective realities, structural determinism, and collectivism, and traditional "vulgar" Marxism asserts material determinism, all of which significantly or totally precludes and denies the possibility of free will and individual agency; and

Whereas, Marxist socialism refutes the very principles of private ownership of property and "capital," and further identify cultural, ethnic, and intersectional (identity) characteristics as a form of property in the same manner as "capital,"; and

Whereas, Marxism forwards a doctrine of scientism as an aspect of faith under which "science" is to be interpreted and operationalized along alchemically inspired Marxist theory towards revolutionary goals, and exists not to describe the world as it is, but to change and evolve the world toward Marxist eschatological ends; and

Whereas, Marxism wields alchemically inspired "magic spells," beliefs of speaking language into being and socially creating reality, the "ruthless criticism of all that exists" toward perpetual alchemical transmutation of reality, the "aufheben," sublation, or synthesis of apparent contradictions in theoretical higher-level understanding towards ever greater perfection; and

Whereas, Marxism asserts that upon the immanentization of the eschaton the coercive apparatus of the state will recognize itself redundant, and therefore collapse into hierarchy-free anarchy wherein all persons are made absolutely equal across all possible social and material dimensions, true, Marxian democracy will be achieved wherein all persons have exactly equal influence but share a common consciousness, and man will recognize himself as deity and creator, or, alternatively, the absolute spirit will arise as self-actualized deity; and

Whereas, Marxian ethics attribute wrongs, malice, crimes and punishments to those other than the individuals who committed them along material, class, ethnic, intersectional, and other collectivist lines; and

Whereas, Marxism seeks "equity" in the forcible dismantling or inverting of all dialectical hierarchies and power dynamics, forcible redistribution of power, resources, and property, and intentional infliction of reparatory injury along collectivist lines against those "oppressor" groups, "diversity" of intersectional group avatars voicing only the "authentic" structurally determined statements of faith and politics, "inclusion" in society and government of only those avatars voicing "authentic" structurally determined ideology and politics, and "justice" in achieving the immanentization of the eschaton, and the prophesied uncoerced dismantling of all hierarchies; and

Whereas, America, and the state of New Hampshire, as per founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the New Hampshire constitution were founded on metaphysical presuppositions about the fundamental nature of reality and the human experience as that of free will, individual natural rights, a shared objective reality, free markets, competence-based and natural hierarchies, a doctrine that none shall be made to stand trial or

face punishment for the crimes of another, an aversion to man made utopian pursuits, and a dedication to the non-establishment of any state-church; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives:

The house of representatives finds that Marxism represents a religion and complete faith system with doctrine, dogma, spirits, magic, ritual, a historicist theory of history, an end-times mythology of a utopian immanent eschaton and ethics giving rise to duties of conscience, that this doctrine is in direct opposition and mutually exclusive to American founding ideology, as per the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, that while citizens personally holding these views may be protected by first amendment freedom of religion rights, this religious doctrine runs totally and disastrously afoul of the establishment of religion clause of the United States Constitution, and represents an established state-church insofar as the preceding religious practices, doctrines, dogma, statements of faith, rituals, and eschatology have been implemented in or by government, and is violative of individuals freedoms of religion, conscience, association and speech insofar as mandated by any entity in America.