
#287.1       Description of Organization

a.  Composition of Board of Dental Examiners

b.  Method of Operation

c.  Public Information - availability, submission of samples

#287.2       Statutory Responsibility

#287.3       Rules and Regulations

a.  Authority

#287.4       Exhibits

                            a.  Application

l.  dentist, preliminary

2. dentist, final (new graduate)

3. dentist, final (practicing in another jurisdiction)

4. dental hygienist

5. dental hygienist (endorsement of credentials)

                            b.  Applicant Information Sheet

l.  dentist

2. dental hygienist

c.  North East Regional Board of Dental Examiners

d.  The Practice of Dentistry (Law Booklet)

#1493        Regulations Governing Disciplinary Hearings Before the Board (eff. 11-26-79)

#2854(E)    Adopt Den 100-400 Rules Governing the N.H. Board of Dental (S) Examiners (eff 9-24-84)

#2913(E)    Readoption of Existing rules Den 100-500 to supersede previously filed emergency rules under Doc. #2854 (eff 11-27-84)

#2981        Readoption of the Dental Board Rules Den 100-500 to supersede the emergency rules (#2913).  (eff 2-28-85)

#4037        Amend Den 203.05 (h); Add Den 303.03 Time of Exam.; Den 303.03 Retaking Examinations (Eff 4-09-86)

#4050        Amend Den 301.05 (b) Transfer of Endorsement Certification of Licenses for In-Active List (eff 5-8-85)

#4105        Amend Den 203.05; 303.03; 401.03 re:  Notice, exams and qualified Assistant's Duties

#4257        Amend Den 301.04; 301.05; and 301.07 re: endorsement certification (eff 4-15-87)

#4262-a     Amend Part 101; add 101.09 - 101.11 relative to Supervision (eff 5-19-87)

#4298        Adopt Den 101.12 - 101.13; Amend Den 302.03, 304.01, 401.01, 401.02 (eff 7-28-87) Qualifications


#4509        Amend Den 200 by rearranging text as well as adopting new rules - Hearings Rules (eff 10-25-88)


#4737        Amend Den 102.02 Board Fees (eff 1-16-90)


#4738        Amend Den 304.02 Continuing Education Requirements (eff 1-6-90)


#5110*      Readopt with amendments to Den 100-600 Various Dental Rules (eff 4-4-91)


#5331*      Amend Den 102.02(a) Board Fees (eff 4-1-92)


#5332*      Adopt w/amd Den 304.02, 305 Continuing Education (which through annotation moved into Den 403 (eff 4-1-92)


#5699*      Amend Den 302.03 Qualification in Specific Area (eff 9-14-93)


#5722*      Readopt w/amd Den 101.11 & 402.01 Supervision (eff 10-15-93)


#5733*      Readopt w/amd Den 102.02 Board Fees (eff 11-03-93)


#5755*      Repeal, Readopt w/amd Den 301 Application Procedure (eff 12-14-93)


#6097*      Adopt Den 101.12 and 101.13 Definition of Licensure by Examination and Licensure by Endorsement Certification (eff 9-29-95)


#6168*      Adopt Den 304.03 Use of Former Employer's Lists (eff 1-24-96)


#6186*      Amd, Readopt w/amd Den 201.10, 301.01-.03, 302.01-.03, 403.03-.04 Notice, Licensure Applications Qualifications, & Continuing Education Requirements (eff 2-17-96)


#6540*      Readopt w/amd Den 500  Use of Anesthesia, Deep Sedation and Conscious Sedation by Dentists (eff 7-18-97)


#6541*      Readopt w/amd Den 202.01(b) & 301.02(j)  Application for Dental Licensure and Prehearing Conference (eff 7-18-97)


#6908*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Den 100 Organizational Rules of the NH Board of Dental Examiners (eff 12-9-98)


#6909*      Adopt, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Den 200-500 Administrative Rules of the NH Board of Dental Examiners (eff 12-9-98)


#6975*      Readopt w/amd Den 301.04 Board Fees (eff 4-10-99)


#7270*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Den 205.01, 206.08, 207.04, 301.02, 301.04, 302.02, 302.04, 302.05 and 403.07 Practice and Procedure, Board Fees, License Application and Qualifications, and Categories of CEU's (eff 5-12-00)


#7304*      Readopt w/amd Den 304 Use of General Anesthesia, Deep Sedation, and Conscious Sedation by Dentists (eff 6-9-00)


#7364*      Amend Den 403.03(a)-(c) & 501.01(e) Continuing Education Requirement and Ethical Duties (eff 9-19-00)


#7556*      Amend Den 101.06 “Diagnosis” Definition (eff 9-20-01)


#7557*      Amend Den 301.01(g) and (i), 301.02(k) and 501.01(f) Application Procedure and Ethical Duties (eff 9-20-01)


#7660*      Amend Den 205.02(o) File Retention of Complaints (eff 3-13-02)


#7661*      Adopt & Amend Den 301.01(e), (f) & (l); 301.02(e), (f) & (m); 301.05(a) & (b) and 403.07(a)(4) Registration and Renewal Documentation Requirements (eff 3-13-02)


#7671*      Adopt, Amend Den 101.14 and 102.01(c) The Meaning of "Registration" and "Posting of Records" (eff 4-4-02)


#7777*      Amend Den 205.01(f) Pleadings (eff 10-10-02)


#7778*      Amend Den 301.01(c), (k), & (m), 301.02(a)(9), (a)(11), (c), (l) & (n), 302.04(b), 302.05(f)(2), 402.01(b) and 501.01(a) Change in Applications for Dentists and Hygienists, Qualifications in Specific Areas, Hygienist Duties and Ethical Duties (eff 10-10-02)


#7818*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Den 302.05(o)-(r) & 401.13 Rules to Govern Qualifying Dental Assistants to Perform Coronal Polishing and the Type of Supervision Required.  Rules to Govern Dental Hygienists to Administer Local Anesthesia (eff 1-9-03)


#7929*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Den 301.01, 301.02, 301.04, 302.02, 302.05, 402.01, 403.07 & 501.01 misc. paragraphs Have Birth Certificates and Passports Translated to English, Raise Fees, Further Clarify Rules, Require Notification of Patient Mortality and Various Housekeeping Changes (eff 8-6-03)


#7969*      Adopt Den 101.03 and 101.11 Definition of Certification and Licensure (eff 10-10-03)


#7970*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal Den 301.01, 301.02, 301.06, 302.05, 401.01, 402.01, 403.04, 403.08, and 501.01 Licensure Applications, Background Checks, Military Service, Coronal Polishing, Anesthesia, Continuing Education, Ethics Code and Patient Access to Records (eff 10-10-03)


#8099*      Adopt Den 101.02, 101.15, 101.16 & 101.20 Definition of Base, Liner, Monitor and Temporary Dental Restoration (eff 6-11-04)


#8100*      Amend Den 302.05, 401.02, 401.03, 402.01 & 403.07 Dental Assistant Qualifications; Duties of Dental Assistants and Dental Hygienists; CEU Credit (eff 6-11-04)


#8224*      Adopt, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Den 101.05, 101.19, 101.20, 101.23 & 101.24 Definitions of Clinical, Registration, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President and Volunteer (eff 12-8-04)


#8260*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt various paragraphs of Den 301.01-301.08, 302.02, 302.05, 304.02, 402.01, 403.07 & 501.01 NERB Examinations, Endorsement Certification, Inactive License, Volunteer Services Licensure, Dental Organization Guideline Updates, Course Sponsor Acceptable for CPR, and Various Housekeeping Changes (eff 1-19-05)


#8513*      Amend Den 205.01(a) Pleadings (eff 12-13-05) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8584*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/amd Den 301, 302 misc. sections & paras., 401.01, 401.02, 402.01, 403.07, 501.01 various paras. Housekeeping, Licensure Processes, Fee Changes, Expanded Duties, Dental Assistant Duty Clarification, Changes to Ethical Duties (eff 3-16-06)


#8694*      Amend Den 301.01, 301.02, 302.02, 304.01, 403.03, 501.01 various paragraphs National Board Requirement, Temporary Transcript, Levels of Sedation, Addition of Qualified CPR Provider, and Housekeeping (eff 7-27-06)


#8838*      Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 300, 400, & 500 Licensing Requirements; Dental Assistants and Hygienists Duties; Ethical Duties; With Amendments to the Application for Dental Licensure and Various Housekeeping Amendments (eff 3-9-07)


#8884-A*   Readopt Den 200 Various Sections Practice and Procedure Rules - Non-Expiring (eff 5-17-07) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8884-B*   Readopt Den 207.02, 207.05, 208.16, 212, 215, 216 Procedural Rules - 8-Year Rules (eff 5-17-07)

#8962*       Adopt Den 101.18 Definition of Moral Turpitude (eff 8-16-07) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8963*       Amend Den 300-500 various sections and paras. Clarification of Existing Rules and General Housekeeping Issues (eff 8-16-07)


#9069*       Readopt w/Amend Den 301.06 Board Fees (eff 1-11-08)


#9256*       Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 300-500 various sections & paragraphs Dental Discipline History, Education, Anesthesia and Sedation (eff 9-10-08)


#9408-A*   Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 102.01, 102.02 & Den 200 various sections & paras. - Organization, Financial Interests, Pleadings, Adjudicatory Proceedings, Authority of Presiding Officer, and Petitions for Rulemaking and Declaratory Rulings (eff 3-10-09) DO NOT EXPIRE


#9408-B*   Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 200-500 various sections & paras. - Complaints, Rule Waivers, Licensure, Fees, Qualifications, Duties, and General Housekeeping (eff 3-10-09) 8-Year Rules


#9633*       Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 301.06, 402.01(c)(6), 403.04(a) & (b), 501.01 (k)-(m) Board Fees, Hygienists Duties, Renewal and Monitoring and Ethical Duties (eff 1-7-10)


#9777-A*   Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 101.06 & 102.01(f) Dental Assistants and Board Committees (eff 9-3-10) DO NOT EXPIRE


#9777-B*   Amend Den 207.02(i) Complaints and Dental Radiographs (eff 9-3-10)


#9778*       Amend Den 302.05(a) & (c), 304.02(a) intro., 401.02(h), (l), & (m), 402.01 intro. & (a)(8), & 501.01(a), (n) Course Approval, Substitute Terms, Anesthesia/Sedation Permits, Dental Assistants, Update Editions (eff 9-3-10)


#9956*       Readopt w/Amend Den 101.06 Dental Assistant Definition (eff 7-16-11) DO NOT EXPIRE


#9973*       Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 300-500 Regarding Licensure, Supervision, Continuing Education, Record Retention, and Licensure Truthfulness (eff 8-9-11)


#10068*     Adopt, Amend, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 300-500 various sections & paragraphs Active Dental Registration Fee, Re-licensure, Dental Advertising, General Anesthesia and Sedation (eff


#10328-A* Readopt w/Amend Den 101.20 Organizational Rules Regarding License Requirements (eff 4-7-13) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10328-B* Amend Den 300 & 400 various sections, & 501.01(f) Expanded Functions for Auxiliaries, Anesthesia/Sedation Evaluations, Continuing Education (eff 4-7-13)


#10437*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Den 301.08, 302.03, 302.04 (a) and (b), 302.05 (a), (aa), (ab), & (ac), 304.02 (g) & (j), & 501.01 (a) Board Fees, Examination for Licensure, Expanded Functions for Dental Auxiliaries, and Hygienists Ethical Duties (eff 10-8-13)


#10688*     Readopt w/Amend Den 101.15, 102.01, & 207.02 Licensure by Examination; Organization of Board; and Complaints of Licensee Misconduct (eff 10-7-14) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10689*     Readopt w/Amend Den 301.01-301.06, 301.11, 302.05, 303.03, 304.02, 401.02, 403.03, 403.07, & 501.01 Licensure Applications; EFDA Qualifications; Jurisprudence Exam; Anesthesia/Sedation (eff 10-7-14)


#10793-A* Readopt Den 212, 215.01, 216 Various Practice and Procedure Rules (eff 3-7-15) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10793-B* Readopt Den 207.05, 208.16 Voluntary Surrender by Licensees Under Disciplinary Investigation (eff 3-7-15)


#10794*     Readopt Den 301.05, 301.09-301.10, 302.01, 303.01, 303.02, 401.01, 403.01, & 403.02 Application Procedure, Qualification and Supervision Purpose, Examination, Assistants' Duties, and Continuing Education (eff 3-7-15)


#10824*     Readopt w/Amend Den 301.01, 301.02, 301.03, 301.04, 402.01, & 500 Licensing Requirements and Hygienists' Duties (eff 5-6-15)


#10844       DECLARATORY RULING - Issued pursuant to Den 214.01.  Concerning the meaning for the Petitioner of “personally evaluated” in rule Den 101.11.  The phrase “personally evaluated” in the definition of “general supervision” in Den 101.11 means that the dentist shall perform an oral exam on the patient once in a twelve-month period. (eff 6-1-15)


#10845       DECLARATORY RULING - Issued pursuant to Den 214.01.  Concerning what actively engaging in the practice of dentistry means for the Petitioner pursuant to the phrase “actively engage in such practice” in RSA 317-A:16.  The phrase “actively engaged in the practice of dentistry” means to have an unencumbered “active license”, as defined in Den 101.01, and to have satisfied at least one of those duties set forth in RSA 317-A:20 during the biennium.  The phrase “actively engage in the practice of dental hygiene” means to have an unencumbered “active license”, as defined in Den 101.01, and to have satisfied at least one of the duties set forth in RSA 317-A:21-c during the biennium.  (eff 6-1-15)


#10972       DECLARATORY RULING—Issued pursuant to Den 214.01.   Concerning whether Board rules Den 301.02(a)(15) on application for dental licensure and Den 301.04(a)(18) on application for dentist license and renewal require that, in order for the Petitioner to obtain CPR and/or HCP-BLS certification, the CPR and/or HCP-BLS course must include a hands-on component.  (eff 11-2-15)


#10990*     Readopt w/Amend Den 101.10, 102.01, 206.03, & 208.03 Direct Supervision, Organization of the Board and Docketing, and Service of Documents (eff 12-9-15) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10991*     Adopt, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 301.01-301.05, 301.08, 301.12, 301.13, 302.02-302.07, 304.01, 304.02, 401.01, 402.01, 402.02, 403.03, 403.05, & 501.01 Application Procedures, Qualification and Supervision, Use of General Anesthesia and Sedation, Dental Assistant and Hygienist Duties, and Ethical Duties (eff 12-9-15)


#10992       DECLARATORY RULING – Issued pursuant to Den 214.01. Whether the Petitioner under Den 301.04(a)(17) on application for dental license registration and renewal, Den 403.02(d) defining "continuing education unit", Den 403.03(d) on continuing education requirements, and Den 403.07(c) on categories of credit is entitled to continuing education credit for renewal on April 30, 2016 in 3 areas: (1) a 3-year periodontology residency completed on May 31, 2014,  (2) an American Board of Periodontology Certification in May, 2015, and (3) publication of a paper in a peer-reviewed dental journal. (eff 12-7-15)


#11013*     EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Den 502.01(c) Emergency Rules for Opioid Prescribing (eff
1-5-16) EXPIRES: 7-3-16


#11053*     Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 301.07, 403.04, & 403.06 Application for Licensure to Provide Voluntary Services; Renewal and Monitoring; and Criteria of Acceptance (eff 3-10-16)


#11068       DECLARATORY RULING – Issued pursuant to Den 214.01. Concerning whether Board rules Den 302.05(a)(5) on qualification of dental assistants in a specific area and Den 401.02(g) on duties of certified dental assistants and graduate dental assistants permit the Petitioner, as an individual currently attending school to become a dental assistant, to take vital signs of a patient before taking the course "Preliminary Inspection of the Oral Cavity." (eff 4-4-16)


#11069       DECLARATORY RULING: Issued pursuant to Den 214.01. Concerning whether the Petitioner, under Den 402.01(a)(6) on permissible application of topical preventive or prophylactic agents by hygienists under general supervision, may use Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) (eff 4-4-16)


#11129*     REPEAL OF EMERGENCY RULING – Repeal Den 502.01(c) Emergency Rules for Opioid Prescribing (eff 6-29-16)


#11130*     Adopt Den 503 Opioid Prescribing Rule (eff 6-29-16)


#11140       DECLARATORY RULING:  Issued pursuant to Den 214.01. Concerning whether a dental assistant under the Petitioner's supervision may apply Silver Diamine Flouride under Den 402.01(a)(6) on permissible application of topical preventive or prophylactic agents by hygienists under general supervision and Den 401.02 on certified dental assistants and graduate dental assistants' duties. (eff 7-11-16)


#12036       DECLARATORY RULING:  RSA 317-A.  Concerning (1) whether the Petitioner dentist could treat the patients described in the petition without taking screening dental radiographs and without violating RSA 317-A; (2) whether the Board has authority to require the Petitioner dentist to provide dental services to a patient who declines procedures which he deems advisable; and (3) whether the Board has the authority to require a dentist licensee, if unable to provide care at a level acceptable to a patient, to find a dentist licensee who will provide the care the patient requests. (eff 11-7-16)


#12061*     Readopt w/Amend Den 503 Opioid Prescribing (eff 1-1-17)


#12427*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 100 various Definitions (eff 12-6-17) DO NOT EXPIRE


#12428*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Den 300-500 various Licensing Requirements; Dental Assistants and Hygienists Duties; Ethical and Professional Standards (eff 12-6-17)


#12549*     EXPEDITED AMENDMENT TO INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE – Amend Den 302.04(b), 304.04(a)(3)a., 304.06(a)(2) and (3), 501.01(a) Dentist Qualifications; Permits for Moderate Sedation Only; Minimal Sedation; Ethical Duties (eff 6-15-18)


#13021*     Readopt Den 401.03, 402.01, 403.03, 403.07 Dental Assistants' Duties, Dental Hygienists' Duties, Continuing Education (eff 4-9-20)


#13116*     Amend Den 301.03(f)-(i); Den 301.04(g)-(j) Renewal Requirements & the Health Professions Survey (eff 10-9-20)


#13232      EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Den 301.01(a) intro., (a)(8) Dental Hygiene Application Procedure - Manikin Examination (eff 7-15-21) EXPIRES: 1-11-22


#13233      EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Den 301.02(a) intro., (a)(8) Dental Application Procedure - Manikin Examination (eff 7-15-21) EXPIRES: 1-11-22


#13251     EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Den 304.05(f) Manner of Payment of Anesthesia/Sedation Inspection Fee (eff 8-11-21) EXPIRES: 2-7-22


#13341     EMERGENCY RULE - Den 403.07(h) Acceptance of 100% Virtual CEU's for Dentist's 2022 Renewal Cycle (eff 2-8-22) EXPIRES: 8-7-22


#13366*   Readopt w/Amend Den 403.07Continuing Education Categories of Credit (eff 4-19-22)


#13367*   Readopt w/Amend Den 301 various Application for Dental and Dental Hygienist Licensure, Fees, and Reinstatement of Licensure (eff 4-19-22)


#13445*   Readopt w/Amend Den 302.06 Dental Assistant Qualification in Specific Area (eff 9-14-22) EXPIRES: 9-14-32


#13919     Adopt/Repeal Den 200 Rule of Practice and Procedure Rule of Practice and Procedure (eff 5-31-24) DO NOT EXPIRE