The Equalization Standards Board was established pursuant to 2001, 297:2, effective 9-15-01. See RSA 21-J:14-d, V relative to rulemaking authority.

#7611*            INTERIM RULE - Adopt Esb 100 Organizational Rules (eff 12-18-01) EXPIRES: 6-16-02

#7612*            INTERIM RULE - Adopt Esb 200 Procedural Rules (eff 12-18-01) EXPIRES: 6-16-02

#7952*            Adopt Esb 100 Organization (eff 9-13-03)

#7953*            Adopt Esb 201.01 and 206 Practice and Procedures, Definitions and Public Forums (eff 9-13-03) (8-year Expiration Date)

#7954*            Adopt Esb 201.02, 202-204 Practice and Procedures, Definition, Rulemaking Hearings, Rulemaking Petitions and Declaratory Rulings (eff 9-13-03) No Expiration Date




           The Equalization Standards Board was abolished, and rules Esb 100 and Esb 200 effectively repealed, by the repeal of RSA 21-J:14-c & d and RSA 21-J:1-a, III, pursuant to 2013, 20:1, effective 7-15-13.  RSA 21-J:14-b affecting the Assessing Standards Board was also amended by 2013, 20:2, effective 7-15-13.  See rules of that Board for further rulemaking in the area of equalization.