Pursuant to 1987, 411:2, effective 5-26-87, and 1988, 62:9 and 62:13, effective 6-10-88, rulemaking authority in the area of securities was transferred from the Commissioner of the Insurance Department to the Director of the Office of Securities Regulation. See the filing index for the Insurance Department for securities rules filed before 1987.


#4288 Readopt Ins-Sec 100-1000 and Ins-Sec 1500 Securities Rules (eff 7-1-87) (Reserved 100, 200, 1100, 1200, 1300 and 1400)


Pursuant to 1991, 355:89 and 355:91, effective 7-1-91, the rules of the Office of Securities Regulation were transferred to the authority of the Attorney General in the Department of Justice. See the filing index for the Department of Justice. The Attorney General adopted new rules Atg-Se 100-1500 and Atg-Se 703 effective 6-30-92 which replaced the former rules of the Office of Securities Regulation.

Pursuant to 1992, 288:31 and 288:56, effective 7-1-92, the rules numbered Atg-Se were transferred to the Department of State with rulemaking authority under the Secretary of State. See the filing index for the Department of State for subsequent filings in this area.