Ed 1501.01  Definitions. 


          (a)  “Department” means the department of education, bureau of educational opportunities.


          (b)  “Innovation school” means a school in which a local school board implements an innovation plan pursuant to RSA 194-E:2 with the approval of the state board.


          (c)  “Innovation school zone” means a group of schools of a school district or multiple school districts that share common interests, such as geographical location or educational focus, or that sequentially serve classes of students as they progress through elementary and secondary education and in which a local school board implements a plan for creating an innovation school zone pursuant to RSA  194-E:2 with the approval of the state board. 


          (d)  "State board" means the state board of education established in RSA 21-N:10.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


          Ed 1501.02  Innovation Plan. 


          (a)  In order to be designated an innovation school, a school shall submit an innovation plan to the local school board addressing each relevant component of RSA 194-E:2, III.


          (b)  In order to be designated an innovation zone, a collection of schools within a single district, or a collection of schools across multiple districts, shall submit an innovation plan to each local school board, as applicable, addressing each relevant component of RSA 194-E:2. III and RSA 194-E:2, IV.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


          Ed 1501.03  Local Planning and Approval.


          (a)  Upon receipt of an innovation plan, the local school board shall hold a public hearing on the plan. 


          (b)  Within 60 days of receipt of the plan, the local board shall either: 


(1)  Approve the plan and seek designation from the state board under Ed 1501.04; or


(2)  Reject the plan and provide to the school(s) a written explanation for the basis of the decision as described under RSA 194-E:2, I(d), a copy of which shall be sent to the state board.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


          Ed 1501.04  State Approval. 


          (a)  Upon approval of an innovation plan, the local school board(s) shall submit the innovation plan to the department for review and comment.


          (b)  Within 45 days, the department shall issue written feedback to the local school board(s) using the criteria identified in RSA 194-E:3, III, at which point the local school board(s) may elect to withdraw and resubmit the innovation plan.


          (c)  After review by the department, the local school board(s) shall submit the innovation plan to the state board for review.


          (d)  The state board shall hold a public hearing on the innovation plan, during which a representative from the department and a representative from the local school board shall be present.  


          (e)  Within 60 days of receipt of the innovation plan, the state board shall either approve or reject the innovation plan based on the elements set forth in RSA 194-E:2, III-IV, and shall provide written explanation of the decision to the local board.


          (f)  If the state board rejects the innovation plan, the local board may resubmit an amended innovation plan to the department at any time after rejection.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


          Ed 1501.05  Performance Review. 


          (a)  Two years after state board approval, and every 2 years after that, the local board shall conduct a review of the innovation plan, which shall include:


(1)  A review of the progress towards the plan objectives; 


(2)  Improvements in academic performance of students attending the innovation school; and


(3)  Any cost savings or increased efficiencies, or both.


          (b)  Within 30 days of completing the review of the innovation plan, the local board shall submit the review to the department, which shall analyze the results based upon data available to the department.


          (c)  If the department finds the innovation plan performance is not achieving the planned results, they shall notify the local board and state board, at which time the local board may respond or provide a revised innovation plan. 


          (d)  Upon completion of the department review, the school board chair or designee shall provide a presentation to the state board at the next regularly scheduled state board meeting.


          (e)  The state board may revoke the innovation status at any time with notification to the local board and department, pursuant to RSA 194-E:6, IV, if the innovation plan has:


(1)  Failed to progress toward objectives as laid out in the plan; or 


(2)  Been determined to pose a risk to student health and safety.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


          Ed 1501.06 Reporting.  By January 1 of each year, the department shall provide an annual report on innovation schools and school zones to the entities identified in RSA 194-E:7, I, which shall include each of the elements identified in RSA 194-E:7, II.


Source.  #13561, eff 2-22-23


Appendix I




Ed 1501.01

RSA 194-E:1; RSA 194-E:8

Ed 1501.02

RSA 194-E:8

Ed 1501.03

RSA 194-E:2; RSA 194-E:8

Ed 1501.04

RSA 194-E:3; RSA 194-E:6; RSA 194-E:8

Ed 1501.05

RSA 194-E:5; RSA 194-E:8

Ed 1501.06

RSA 194-E:7; RSA 194-E:8