The filing index includes rules numbered Ed adopted by the Board of Education; Ed-C for rules adopted by the Commissioner; and Bli and Ed-Bli for rules adopted by the Chief of the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation and by the Commissioner relative to Blind Services in the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, respectively.


#317 Organization Charts

#318 Descriptions of Divisions

#319 Major filing - see full contents in document - highlights

                  listed below:

                            #319.1                   Minimum Standards and Recommended

                                                          Practices for N. H. High Schools,

                                                          Grades 9-12

         S                 #319.3                   Interim Standards for the Approval of

                                                          Grades 7 and 8 as Part of Secondary

                                                          School Systems (and forms); ss by #l434

                            #319.10                 Guidelines for Preparing Applications

                                                          for Local Projects in Adult Basic

                                                          Education under the Adult Education Act

                                                          of l966 (Title III of Public Law

                                                          89-750) (contains regulations and


                            #319.13                 Minimum Standards and Recommendations for N.H. Public Elementary School Approval

         S                 #319.16                 Standards and Recommended Practices for

                                                          Driver Education Programs (Blue Book) -

                                                          superseded by #468

                            #319.17                 Guidelines for N.H. School Districts

                                                          Participating in Title III National Defense Education Act - Form attached #4081 Revised

         S                 #319.18                 Guidelines for N.H. Supervisory Unions

                                                          Participating in Title II Elementary and

                                                          Secondary Education Act of 1965; ss by


#320.1S     Supervisory Union Reorganization - see #753

#320.9       Information Concerning the High School Equivalency

         S       Certificate - superseded by #l254

#321 Major filing - see full contents in document - highlights listed below

                            #321.1                   State Board of Education Policies

        .S                 #321.2                   Goals of the State Department of Education (ss by #1255)

                            #321.3                   New Hampshire School Financial Accounting Handbook

         S                 #321.7                   Guide for Planning the Construction of New Buildings - superseded by #736; by letter #1434

         S                 #321.18                 Cover Letter - Review and Approval of School Projects for Building Aid - see #746; by letter #1434

         S                 #321.19                 Guidelines for Applying for Dual Enrollment and Child Benefit Services grants - see #746, #754; by letter #l434


         S                 #321.20                 Added Guidelines for Dual Enrollment Grants - see #746, #754; ss by letter #1434

         S                 #321.28                 Guidelines for Applying for Child Benefit Services Grant - see #746, #754

                            #321.84                 Proposed Joint Policy Statement of Professional Standards Board and N.H. Council for Teacher Education

                            #321.85                 Participants in the Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel

                            #321.87                 Appeal Procedure, see also #420, #678

                            #321.88                 Approved Collegiate Programs of Preparation

                            #321.89                 Staff Development for Educational Personnel

                            #321.90                 Individualized Teacher Education Process

                   S       #321.92                 Standards for State Approval of Teacher Education; ss by #1604

                            #321.93                 Accreditation Procedures for Teacher Education Program Approval - see also #894

                            #321.94                 Guidelines for the Operation of the Professional Standards Board

         S                 #321.96                 Report of the Blue Ribbon Certification Committee; ss by letter #1434

#322 Standard Accounting Procedures for Federal Program Funds

#323 Food and Nutrition Service Manual - The Special Food Service Program Manual

#324 S       HB 730, Guidelines for Planning, Development and Implementation of a Regional Vocational Education Center, Etc. (324.2 ss by #1312)

#325 Forms to Gather Data

#326 Scholarship Information, Catalogs, Application Forms

#327 l - "Planning"

#328 2 - "General" Federal Register

#329 "General" State Plan for Vocational Rehabilitation in N.H.

#330 "General" Policy and Procedures Manual

#331 "General" Fee Schedule and Forms

#332 "Facilities"

#333 Vocational Development Center

#334 Blind Workshop

#335 Special Education

#336 Blind Services and Vending Stands

#337 Trust Fund

#338 Social Security

#339 Federal Financial Reports

#340 Statistical Reports

#395 Student Handbook 1973/74

#396 Faculty Handbook 1973/74

#420 State Board Policy for Administrative Hearing Procedures (RSA 189) - see also #678, #32l.87

#468 Driver Education Standards - see also #895, #963

#479 Certification Standards for Education Personnel in N.H., see also #980, #1050

#576 S       Board of Educ. Policy re: Metric Education - eff. 10-17-74; ss by letter #1434

#577 S       Board of Educ. Policy re: Non-Public School Study Commission - see #847, 904 - eff. 10-17-74; ss by letter #1434


#586 E       Policy re: Excusing Immunization for Religious Reasons  see #603 (Emergency Rule) - expires 2-14-75

#602 Reg. for Adult High School Diploma Program - eff. 1-2-75

#603 S       Reg. Excusing Children from Immunization for Religious Reasons - see #586 - eff. 1-2-75; ss by #1739

#604 Reg. re: Children Grades 1-8 Who Need Medication During School Day - eff. 1-2-75

#620 Rescindment of State Board of Education Policy re: Revocation of Teacher Certificate (amends letter dated 3/15/73 in front of #321.1)- eff 3-13-75

#678 Administrative Hearing Procedures (other than 189:13, 189:14a, 189:14b) see also #420, #32l.87 - eff. 8-24-75

#679 S       Amended Double Sessions Policy­eff. 8-24-75 (ss by #897)

#680 E       Guidelines for Applying for Child Benefit Services Grant (see #746) -

     S  Made Permanent by #746 - expires 12-1-75; ss by letter #1434

#681 S       Manual for Planning the Construction of School Buildings, 1975 - draft, see #736 for final copy - eff. 8-25-75;ss by letter #1434

#685 E       Procedure for Determining and Measuring Financial Need in Vocational

     S  Rehab. - superseded by #l26l - expires 12-3-75

#736 Manual for Planning the Construction of School Buildings - l975 - eff. 1-6-76

#746 S       Guidelines for Child Benefit Services Grant (formerly filed as emergency rule, see #680) - eff. 1-28-76; ss by letter #1434

#753 State Board Policy re: Supervisory Union Reorganization eff. 2-15-76

#754 Guidelines for Applying for Child Benefit Services Grant (Previously filed as #746) - eff. 2-15-76

#847 Non Public Schools in N.H. - Regulations and Procedures for School Approval - see also #904 - eff. 9-2-76

#864 Regulation on Suspension of Credentials - eff. 10-4-76

#894 S       Procedures for Approval of Program of Professional Preparation - eff. 12-13-76; ss by #1604

#895 Amendments to Driver Education Standards (#468) relative to Enrollment and Driving Experience - eff. 12-13-76

#897 Double or Overlapping Sessions Policy (supersedes 2441:6 in #321.1) - eff. 12-23-76 - also supersedes #679

#904 Amendments to Appendix A of Non Public Schools in N.H.: Regulations and Procedures for School Approval (#847) relative to payment of fees for non public school approval evaluations - eff. 1-10-77

#963 Changes to Driver Education Standards (#468 & #895) eff. 7-15-77 & 4-1-78

#975 2 Amd to Reg. on Suspension of Credentials (#864) - eff. 7-7-77

#980 Amd to Fee Schedule in Certification Standards for Educational Personnel in N. H. (#479) - eff. 7-16-77

#985 SR 77-68, Reporting Guidelines for N. H. School Personnel Re:  Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect - eff. 7-26-77

#1012        Amd to Non Public School in N. H.:  Regs. & Proc. for School Approval (#847 as amd by #904) - Appendix A, page A-1, paragraph 1 rel to Approval Period - eff. 9-14-77

#1049        2 Amd to Non Public Schools in N. H.:  Regs. & Proc. for School Approval (#847), p. 31 & p. 35; The Program Approval Process for Non Public Schools (Incorporated by ref in #847) - eff. 10-26-77


#1050        Amd to Certification Standards in N. H. (#479) rel to Requirements for Specialist in the Assessment of Intellectual Functioning - eff. 10-31-77

#1053 E     Vocational Rehab. Div. Policy on Confidential Information  E-Rule) - superseded by #1091 - expires 2-19-78

#1091 S     Policy on Confidential Information (ss #1053) (ss by #1106) - eff. 1-23-78

#1106        Revised Policy on Confidential Information (ss #1091) - eff. 2-16-78

#1139 S     Amd to Certification Standards for Educational Personnel, p. 19, Sect. IV, p. 21, Sect. V; p. 59, Sect. XII; Guidelines for Planning, Development and Implementation of a Regional Voc. - Educ. Center, 2)A (SS by #1312-#1139.2) -eff. 4-4-78

#l254         High School Equivalency Certifcate - supersedes #320.9 eff. 9-31-78

#l255         Goals for Education in New Hampshire - eff. 9-21-78 (ss #321.2


#l259         Standards for All Educationally Handicapped Individuals adopted 8-2l-78 (3l & 32) - eff. 10-4-78 (amd by #1414 & #1573)

#l261         Procedures for Determining Financial Need supersedes #685 - eff. 10-7-78

#1278        Standards and Guidelines for Middle/Junior High School - eff. 11-16-78

#1305 E     Requests from Parents to Teach Their Own Children at Home - eff. 4-25-79

#1312        Guidelines for Planning, Development and Implementation of a Regional Vocational Educational Center

#1340        Amend Section IX page 10 of Procedure for Approval of Programs of Professional Preparation - eff. 4-9-79

#1414 E     Amendment to Sections V and XIV of Standards for all Educationally Handicapped (exp. 11-8-79)

#1434        Letter removing certain items as inadvertently filed - affects Doc. #'s 319, 321, 576, 577, 680, 681, and 746.    (eff. 8-13-79)

#1442        Rules relative to Petitions for Adoptions, Amendments or Repeal of a rule and Petitions for a Declaratory Ruling (eff. 9-13-79)

#1443        Rules relative to Criteria for Organization of School Units (eff. 9-13-79)

#1455        Standards for Rehabilitation Facilities Providing Services to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (C.A.R.F. Standards for Rehabilitation Facilities (Eff. 10-3-79)

#1475        Amend Doc. #319.13 by replacing page 9 of the Rules and regs. of Minimum Standards and Recommendations (eff. 10-24-79)

#1564        Amend Doc. #319.1 Chapter III page 8 Graduation Preparations of the Minimum Standards and Recommended Practices for N. H. High Schools - eff 4-25-80

#1574        Amend Section VI A. 7. (doc. #1259) Standards for All Educationally Handicapped Individuals - eff 5-6-80

#1589        Amendment to Doc #1259 Section V entitled Standards for All Educationally Handicapped Individuals - eff 6-5-80

#1602        Regulations and Procedures for the Approval of Home Education Programs - eff 7-2-80

#1604        Standards and Procedures for Approving Professional Preparation Programs in N. H. - eff 1-1-81; ss #321.92 & #894

#1605        Safety Standards for Related Programs in Vocational, Technical, Industrial Arts, and Prevocational Education - eff 7-3-80


#1606        Standards and Policies for Annual Financial Reporting to Establish Fees for Services for Sheltered Workshops - eff 7-9-80

#1739        Amend Ed 311.01 School Immunization Program - supersedes Doc. #603 - eff 4-2-81

#1747        Add rule Ed 511.16 School Nurse; Entry level Requirement (eff 4-22-81)

#1748        Amend Ed 508.01 Criteria for State Approval of the Local Master Plan also Repeals Ed 508.02 "State Financial Assistance" (eff 7-1-81) ss Doc #479

#1797 S     Ed 1100 New Hampshire Standards for the Education of Handicapped Students (eff 8-20-81) ss by #1810-a

#1810-a     Ed 1100 NH Standard for the Education of Handicapped Students (eff 9-15-81)

#1975        Vocational Rehabilitation Blind Services Division

Bli 200-300 Procedural Rules and Vending Facilities Program (eff 3-9-82)

#2021        Amend Special Education (Handicapped Students) Ed 1127.01(d) and Ed 1127.02(p) (eff 5-11-82)

#2055        Adopt Ed 100-700, 1000, 1400, & 1700 Rules Governing the Education Department (eff 6-16-82)

#2066        Amend Ed 507.02(a) Fee change for processing alternative #3 (eff 8-1-82)

#2189        Amend Ed 602.01(b) 1-4 Approval Determination and Notification (eff 12-1-82)

#2190        Adopt Ed 612.26 General Standards for Middle/Junior High School Education-Mathematics (eff 12-1-82)

#2302        Amend Ed 511.05  Entry Level Requirements for School Psychologists and Ed 614.06 Corresponding Program Standards (eff 2-10-83)

#2303        Amend Blind Services Bli 200 and 300 Vending Stands (eff 3-1-83)

#2360        Adopt Ed 612.10 Industrial Arts (eff 5-10-83)

#2361        Adopt Ed 614.10 Special Ed Consulting Teacher & Ed 612.07 Special Ed Teachers (eff 5-10-83)

#2383        Amend Ed 612.26 by adding (c) Middle/Junior High School Social Studies (eff 6-14-83)

#2449        Amend Ed 506.03 relative to suspension of credentials of education personnel (Eff 8-16-83)

#2458(e)    Amend Ed 1007.03 Similar Benefits-relative to "except loans" (eff 8-8-83), EMERGENCY

#2480        Amend Ed 308.01(a) (1) and (2) Minimum Standards for Elementary Schools in NH Category I(A) and (B) (eff 9-19-83)

#2600        Readopt Bli 200-314 with amendments to various Bli 300 rules - Vending Machine rules (eff 3-1-84)

#2624        Adopt Ed 1007.02 Participation by Handicapped Individuals in Vocational Rehabilitation and Ed 1007.03 Similar Benefits (eff 2-16-84)

#2625        Adopt Ed 315 Rules for the Approval of Home Education Programs (eff 3-8-84)

#2631        Amendments to Special Education Ed 1100 (eff 2-24-84)

#2667(e)    Adopt Ed 1100 Standards for the Education of Handicapped Students (eff 4-6-84), EMERGENCY, EXPIRES: 8-4-84

#2714        Adopt Ed 100-1400 State Dept of Education Rules (eff 5-16-84)

#2716(E)    Adopt Ed 1500 Plan of Operation for the Surplus Property Program (eff 6-15-84), EMERGENCY


#2767(E)    Adopt Ed 1129.03(c) Rate setting of Educational Programs in out-of-state facilities (eff 6-27-84), EMERGENCY, EXPIRES: 10-25-84

#2787        Amend Ed 306 Minimum Standards for Approved High Schools (eff 7-31-84)

#2788        Amend Ed 1007.02, 1007.03 financial limitations and similar benefits of vocational rehabilitation participation (eff 7-31-84)

#2830(E)    Amend Ed 1127.02(a)(13) relative to either party being able to appeal the decision of the hearings officer (eff 8-21-84), EMERGENCY, EXPIRES: 12-19-84

#2866        Adopt Ed 1500 Plan of Operation for the Surplus Property Program (eff 9-28-84)

#2867        Amend Bli 301.01(c) Definition of "state licensing agency" (eff 9-28-84)

#2894        Amend Ed 1129.03 by adding (c) re: to approving or setting any Rates for Special Educ. Programs (eff 10-29-84)

#2954        Amend 1127.02(a)(13) re: decision of hearing officer may be appealed by either party (eff 1-9-85)

#2955        Amend Ed 1101.27-11.01-32 and Ed 1136.01-1136.10 Education of Juveniles detained at the YDC (eff 1-9-85)

#2965        Amend Ed 507.02 by increasing teacher certification fees in the amount of $15 (eff 1-23-85)

#3063        Adopt Ed 1134 pursuant to Rate Setting for Private Providers for handicapped Pupils (eff 7-19-85)

#3064        Add Ed 312.01 Statewide Testing (eff 7-19-85)

#3133        Adopt Ed 514 Requirements for Initial Certification (Eff 10-9-85)

#3175        Amend Ed 1134.09(m) (2) & (3) re: Interest Costs (eff 1-9-86)

#3198        Amend Ed 509.04 School Principals; Amend Various rules in Ed 612 & 614 (eff 2-21-86)

#4014        Readopt w/amend Ed 301 Organization of school administrative units (eff 3-6-86)

#4054        Adopt Bli 311.02 Mandatory Training for all licensed vendors and licensee candidates (eff 5-23-86)

#4090        Amend Ed 1009 Independent Living Title VIII Part-A (eff 7-17-86)

#4110        Amend Certification Standards for Educational Personnel (eff 8-19-86)

#4115        Amend Bli 307.03 to change $750 to $1,000 (Set Aside Money) (eff 8-22-86)

#4189        Amend Ed 506.01 Credential Renewal & Validity (eff 12-12-86)

#4190        Adopt w/amend Ed 1009 Independent Living (eff 12-16-86)

#4253        Adopt Ed 308 Minimum standards for elementary schools (eff 4-8-87)

#4256        Amend Ed 508.01 by adding paragraph (h) local master plan amended (eff 4-15-87)


#4434        Amend Ed 514.01 Initial Certification (NH teacher certification) (eff 7-1-88)

#4371        Readopt Ed 1101-1136 N.H. Standards for the Education of Handicapped Students (eff 2-23-88)

#4372        Readopt Ed 400 Approval of Non-Public Schools (amended) (eff 2-24-88)

#4373        Readopt W/Amend Ed 506.01 Credential Renewal (eff 2-24-88)


#4471        Amend Ed 308.03(h) Health (Minimum Standards for NH Public Elementary School Approval K-8th grade)


#4487        Readopt w/amend Ed 604.01 Admission to Professional Preparation Programs (eff 9-8-88)


#4499        Adopt Ed 1121 Surrogate Parents (Interim Rule) (eff 9-28-88), EXPIRES: 1-26-89


#4525        Adopt Ed 508.01 (a) - (g) Criteria for State Approval of Local Master Plan (eff 11-2-88)


#4567*      Adopt Ed 1003 Rights for Administrative Review and Fair Hearing (eff 1/24/89)


#4568*      Adopt Ed 1009 Independent Living Program (eff 1/24/89)


#4569*      Adopt Ed 1011 Vocational Rehabilitation Service Program/St Supported Employment Services Program (eff 1/24/89)


#4582*      Repeal Ed 513.02 and Ed 612.12; Adopt Ed 614.11 Library Media Generalist (eff 7/1/89)


#4632*      Adopt Ed 612.04 Elementary Education Repeal Ed 511.15 Elementary Teacher (eff 7/1/89)


#4633*      Readopt with amend Ed 612.05 English Education (eff 7/1/89)


#4697*      Adopt Ed 1121 Surrogate Parents (eff 11-9-89)


#4700*      Readopt w/amend Ed 612.03 Early Childhood Education (eff 11-14-89)


#4701*      Adopt Ed 616 Conversion Programs (eff 11-14-89)


#4816*      Adopt Ed 1137 Educationally Handicapped Children in Placement for which DCYS has Financial Response.  (eff 5/23/90)


#4847*      Readopt Ed 1103 - 1127 various education for handicapped student rules.  (eff 6/21/90)


#4851*      Readopt Ed 100 - 1500 various education rules adopted prior to November 1984 (eff 6/25/90)


#4883*      Amend Ed 308.03-.05 and 308.07 Minimum Standards for Elementary Schools (eff 7/27/90)


#4941*      Adopt Ed 1134.11 Appeals Mechanism for Special Education Rates (eff 9-25-90)


#4961*      Adopt Ed 400 Approval of Non-Public Schools (eff 10/26/90)


#4986*      Adopt Ed 502.05 Alternative 5: Provisional Certification (eff 11/20/90)


#5086        Amend Ed-Bli 100-300 Business Enterprise Program (Vending Stand Fee) (eff 3-5-91)

#5087*      Amend Ed 1002 Use and Release of Personal Information (Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program) (eff 3-5-91)


#5088*      Adopt Ed 1013 Interpreter Certification System (eff 3-5-91)


#5107*      Amend Ed 306.01-.02 Minimum Standards for Public High Schools (eff 4-2-91)


#5155*      Adopt and Repeal Ed 612.10 Comprehensive Technology Education (eff 5-13-91)


#5192*      Repeal and Adopt Ed 315 Proc. Operation of Home Educ. Programs (eff 7/24/91)


#5240*      Repeal Ed 1500 Plan of Operation for the Surplus Property Program (eff 10/1/91)


#5288*      Adopt and Repeal Ed 502.02 Alternative 2 (eff 11-27-91)


#5306*      Adopt w/amd Ed 1128 Administration Due Process Hearing Procedures (eff 1-3-92)


#5409*      Amd Ed 406 Grievance Committee (eff 6-18-92)


#5546*      Repeal w/amd Ed 306, 307, 308 Public School Approval Standards (eff 7-1-93)


#5596*      Adopt w/amd Ed 315.03-.05 Home Education Evaluation (eff 3-19-93)


#5668*      Adopt Ed-C 316 Procedures to Mark Drug-Free School Zones (eff 7-19-93)

(Renumbered editorially to Ed 316 due to transfer of rulemaking authority to Board of Education pursuant to 1994, 28:2)


#5669*      Amend Ed 508.01 Staff Development (eff 7-19-93)


#5803*      Readopt w/amd Ed 1100 Education of Students with Disabilities (eff 3-25-94)


#6048*      Readopt w/amd Ed 603-611 Approval of Teacher Preparation Programs (eff 6-2-95)


#6049*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 401.02, 403.02, 404.01, and 404.05(d) Nonpublic School Approval (eff 6-2-95)


#6083*      Readopt w/amd Ed 507.02 Teacher Certification Fees (eff 8-22-95)


#6109*      Adopt Ed 317 Discipline and Due Process in Safe School Zones (eff 10-28-95)


#6348*      Readopt w/amd Ed 200 Practice and Procedures (eff 10-5-96)


#6349*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 Certification Standards for Educational Personnel (eff 10-5-96)


#6355*      Adopt Ed 318 Charter and Open Enrollment Schools (eff 10-18-96)

#6366*      Readopt Ed 300, 400, 600 through 1400 Existing State Board of Education Rules (eff 10-30-96)


#6710*      Adopt Ed 320 Manifest Educational Hardship (eff 5-1-98)


#6819*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 201.03, 213.02(e) & (f), 214,  and 216.01-216.03 Practice and Procedure, Including Hearing Procedures for Teacher Non-renewal at the Local Level (eff 9-1-98)


#6820*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 317.01 & .03; .05(c) & (e)-(g); .06(b)-(c) Standards and Procedures for Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils Including Procedures Assuring Due Process (eff 9-1-98)


#6821*      Amend Ed 318.03-308.06 Charter and Open Enrollment Schools (eff 9-1-98)


#6822*      Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 508.05, 509.05 and 511 Certification Standards for Educational Personnel - Grounds for Denial Suspension, Revocation or Reinstatement of Licensure/Certificate (eff 9-1-98)


#6823*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 513 Requirements for Initial Teacher Certification (eff 9-1-98)


#6857*      Amend Ed 1130.07(c) Determination of Liable School Districts (eff 9-25-98)


#6949*      Adopt Ed 1402 Renovating Regional Vocational Education Centers (eff 2-26-99)


#7041*      Adopt Ed 506.06 Standard for Certification for district Administrator (eff 8-1-99)


#7042*      Adopt Ed 507.22 Standard for Certification for computer Technology Educator (eff 8-1-99)


#7043*      Adopt Ed 507.23 Standard for Certification for Speech Language Specialist (eff 7-1-99)


#7044*      Adopt Ed 506.07 Standards for Certification of Special Education Administrator (eff 7-1-99)


#7045*      Readopt w/amd Ed 512 Professional Development Master Plan and Recertification (eff 7-1-01)


#7046*      Amend Ed 513.01(a) Basic Skills Examination (eff 7-1-99)


#7073*      Repeal Ed 301 Organization of School Administrative Units (eff 8-19-99)


#7074*      Adopt Ed 504.05 Certification as a Paraprofessional (eff 8-30-99)


#7091*      Amend Ed 511.05(g) Investigative Procedure (eff 9-4-99)


#7271*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.24 & 612.05 Educator in English Language Arts for Grades 5-12; English Language Arts for Grades 5-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7272*      Adopt, Amend Ed 507.25 & 612.26(b) & (c) Educator in Middle/Junior High School Mathematics for Grades 5-8; Mathematics for Grades 5-8 (eff 7-1-00)


#7273*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.26 & 612.11 Educator in Secondary Mathematics for Grades 7-12; Secondary Mathematics for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7274*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.27 & 612.22 Educator in Social Studies for Grades 5-12; Social Studies for Grades 5-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7275*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.28 & 612.16 Educator in General Science for Grades 5-9; General Science for Grades 5-9 (eff 7-1-00)


#7276*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.29 & 612.17 Educator in Earth-Space Science for Grades 7-12; Earth-Space Science for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7277*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.30 & 612.18 Educator in Physical Science for Grades 7-12; Physical Science for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7278*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.31 & 612.19 Educator in Biology for Grades 7-12; Biology for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7279*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.32 & 612.20 Educator in Chemistry for Grades 7-12; Chemistry for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7280*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.33 & 612.21 Educator in Physics for Grades 7-12; Physics for Grades 7-12 (eff 7-1-00)


#7466*      Adopt Ed 1013 Interpreter Classification System (eff 3-23-01)


#7480*      Amend Ed 401.03(d) and Ed 403.01(d) Standard School Year and Modifications; Approval of Non-public Schools for Attendance Purposes (eff 4-24-01)


#7512*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 306.06(a)(3), 306.22(c)(3) & (4), 306.23(d)(5) & 306.28 School Facilities, Middle/Junior High School Curriculum and Time Schedule/Minimum Time Requirements, Required Program Areas and Units of Credit to be Offered by Each High School and Family and Consumer Science Program (eff 7-1-01)


#7513*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 317.01(c), 317.03, 317.06 & 506.07(b)(1)d. Standards and Procedures for Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils Including Procedures Assuring Due Process; Special Education Administrator (eff 7-1-01)


#7514        VOID - See Note below.  Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 various sections, 612.23 & 612.24(e) - Certification Standards for Educational Personnel, Theatre; Vocational Education (eff 7-1-01)


#7515*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 1100 Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities (eff 7-1-01)



NOTE:            August 30, 2001


Document #7514 has been voided by the Director of the Office of Legislative Services in the records of the Office of Legislative Services, Division of Administrative Rules.  The document number and effective date of 7-1-01 were assigned incorrectly.


Pursuant to RSA 541-A:13, V(c) and (e) and RSA 541-A:23, I(d), the rules in this rulemaking proceeding (OR 2000-191) could not be validly adopted and take effect because the Board of Education had failed to respond pursuant to RSA 541-A:13, V to a revised objection of the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR) issued on June 15, 2001.  The JLCAR so advised the Director on August 21, 2001.


As described in Section 2.21 of Chapter 3 in the New Hampshire Drafting and Procedure Manual for Administrative Rules, voiding the document number does not change a valid, effective rule into an invalid, ineffective rule.  Only a court can declare a rule invalid as a matter of law.  The Director’s actions indicate the Director’s view for record purposes that the rules in Document #7514 are not effective, and no copy of those rules will thereafter be issued by the Division as effective rules.


Pursuant to RSA 541-A:13, V(c) and (e), the Board is not precluded from initiating the rulemaking process over again for a similar rule.


#7617*      Readopt w/amd Ed 614.09 Speech-Language Specialists (eff 12-20-01)


#7691*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 1128 and Ed 1132 Procedures for Administrative Due Process Hearings and Catastrophic Aid (eff 7-1-02)


#7756*      Adopt Ed 507.35 Educational Intrepreter/Transliterator for Ages 3-21 (eff 9-1-02)


#7780*      Readopt w/amd Ed 703.02 and 704.01 Adult Basic Education and Adult High School and Basic Education Program (eff 10-19-02)


#7797*      Amend Ed 306.23(e) Graduation Requirements (eff 11-28-02)


#7857*      Adopt Ed 800 Granite State Scholars (eff 3-21-03)


#7873*      Amend Ed 1403.01 various paragraphs Tuition and Transportation Reimbursement (eff 4-18-03)


#7923*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 and 600 Certification Standards for Educational Personnel and Approval of Professional Preparation Programs (eff 7-24-03)


#7924*      Adopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 507 & 612 Teacher Certification Standards and Teacher Preparation Programs for Physical Education, Music, Classical and Modern Languages (eff 7-24-03)


#7925*      Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 306.17(a)(1), 507.21 & 614.11 Library Media Specialist (eff 7-24-03)


#8023*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 506 and 614 (various sections) Certification and Standards for Graduate Preparation Programs for Superintendents, Business Administration and Principals (eff 7-1-04)


#8024*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 507.39, 601.01, 610.01 and 612.07 Certification and Standards for Graduate, Preparation Programs for General Special Education (eff 7-1-04)


#8030*      Adopt Ed 1001-1014 Vocational Rehabilitation Services (eff 1-22-04)


#8086*      Adopt Ed 322 Regional Vocational Education Center Leases (eff 5-26-04)


#8194*      Amend, Readopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 & 600 various sections Certification Standards for Education Personnel & Approval of Professional Preparation Programs (eff 10-26-04)


#8206*      INTERIM RULE - Readopt Ed 300, 500 & 600 various sections Minimum Standards, Certification and Standards for Graduate Preparation Programs (eff 11-18-04) EXPIRES: 5-17-05


#8229*      Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 & 600 various sections Certification Standards for Educational Personnel and Approval of Professional Preparation Programs (eff 12-17-04)


#8262*      Readopt w/amd Ed 315 Home Education Program (eff 1-22-05)


#8263*      Adopt, Readopt, Readopt w/amd Ed 400 Nonpublic School Approval (eff 1-22-05)


#8264*      Amend Ed 508.06(c) & 602.07(b) Fees for Certification, Formal Application Fee (eff 1-22-05)


#8265*      Adopt, Repeal, Readopt w/amd Ed 305, 321, 700 & 1015-1019 School Building Construction; Adult High School, Basic Education and High School Equivalency Programs; Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 1-22-05)


#8266*      Readopt Ed 1401 Regional Vocational Education Centers (eff 1-22-05)


#8317*      Adopt Ed 310 Daily Physical Activity (eff 4-5-05)


#8334-A*   Adopt Ed 201-215 Rules of Practice and Procedure (eff 4-23-05) DO NOT EXPIRE


#8334-B*   Adopt Ed 216 Explanation of Adopted Rules (eff 4-23-05)


#8335*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/amd Ed 500 & 600 various sections Certification Standards for Educational Personnel; Approval of Professional Preparation Programs (eff 4-23-05)


#8354*      Readopt w/amd Ed 306 Standards for School Approval (eff 7-1-05)


#8449*      Amend Ed 702.02(b) Adult High School (eff 10-18-05)


#8565*      Readopt w/amd Ed 1402 Renovating Regional Vocational Education Centers (eff 2-8-06)


#8582*      Adopt Ed 900 Dropout Prevention and Recovery Program (eff 3-15-06)


#8583*      Adopt, Readopt Ed 300 various sections Administration in Public Schools (eff 3-15-06)


#8631*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 321 various sections & paras School Building Construction (eff 5-19-06)


#8661        EMERGENCY RULE - Amend Ed 501.02 by inserting (o), Amend Ed 508.06 (c), & Adopt Ed 513.03 Eligibility; Highly Qualified Teachers (eff 6-14-06) EXPIRES:  12-11-06


#8667*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 500 & 600 various sections Certification Standards for Educational Personnel, Approval of Professional Preparation Programs (eff 7-1-06)


#8698        REPEAL OF EMERGENCY RULE (#8661)– Repeal Ed 501.02 (o), the amendment to Ed 508.06 (c), and Ed 513.03 Statement of Eligibility; Highly Qualified Teachers (eff 8-3-06) EXPIRES: 1-29-07


#8699*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.19 & 614.08 Specialist in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning (SAIF) (eff 8-3-06)


#8700*      INTERIM RULE - Amend Ed 501.02 by inserting (o), Amend Ed 508.06(c) & Adopt Ed 513.03 Statement of Eligibility; Highly Qualified Teachers (eff 8-3-06) EXPIRES: 1-30-07 (Replaces Doc. #8661)


#8725*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507 & 612 misc. sections Elementary Education, English Language Arts and Social Studies for Middle Schools (eff 9-9-06)


#8770*      Readopt Ed 501.02, 508.06(c) & 513.03 Statement of Eligibility; Highly Qualified Teachers (eff 12-9-06)


#8843*      Adopt, Amend Ed 505.03(d), 505.04(a)(1); 506.02, 506.05 & 614.13 Assistant Superintendent and Curriculum Administrator (eff 3-16-07)


#8844*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.35 Educational Interpreter/Transliterator (eff 3-16-07)


#9066*      Adopt Ed 318 Charter and Open Enrollment Schools (eff 1-10-08)


#9117*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.23 & 614.09 Speech-Language Specialist (eff 3-27-08)


#9157*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt Ed 506.07, 507.40-507.45, 612.07(c)-(h) & 612.08-612.13 Special Education Administrator and Certification and Program Approval for Special Education Categories (eff 7-1-08)


#9158*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 311.02 & 320 Medication During School Day; Manifest Educational Hardship (eff 5-16-08)


#9159*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 401.02 Types of Approval for Nonpublic Schools (eff 5-16-08)


#9197*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 1100 Standards for the Education of Students with a Disability (eff 6/28/08


#9304*      Adopt Ed 1300 Alternative Education Programs (eff 10-25-08)


#9305*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.18 & 612.03 Early Childhood Education (eff 10-25-08)


#9306*      Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507, 612, 614 various sections & paras Modern Language, Reading & Writing Specialist, Social Worker and Dance; Also Certification for Physical Education, Classical Languages, and Music (eff 10-25-08)


#9453*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1400 Career and Technical Education (eff 4-11-09)


#9482*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 1120.05 Parental Refusal of Consent:  Initiation of Due Process Hearing by LEA (eff 6-11-09)


#9525*      Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.24, 507.241, 507.27, 507.271, 612.05, 612.051, 612.28, & 612.29 English Language Arts and Social Studies for Middle and High School Certification and Teacher Preparation Programs (eff 8-14-09)


#9566*      Adopt Ed 507.28-507.33, 612.22-612.27 Science for Middle and High School Certification and Teacher Preparation Programs (eff 10-16-09)


#9638*      Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 700 Adult Education (eff 1-20-10)


#9694*      Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1128.08 State Aid for In-District Programs (eff 4-16-10)


#9715*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.25, 507.26, 612.17, & 612.18 Math for Middle and High School Certification and Teacher Preparation Programs (eff 5-14-10)


#9723*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 315.03, 315.04, & 315.11 Home Education (eff 6-11-10)


#9753*      Readopt w/Amend Ed 403-405 Approval of Nonpublic Schools (eff 7-10-10)


#9799*      Adopt Ed 507.50 & 612.02 Endorsement for Reading and Writing Teacher (eff 10-15-10)


#9812*      Amend Ed 1102.01(r) & (s), 1120.05(d)-(g), & 1120.06(c) Definitions and Parental Consent (eff 11-11-10)


#9813*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.22 & 612.19 Endorsement Education Technology Integrator (eff 11-11-10)


#9939*      INTERIM RULE – Readopt Ed 507.21, 507.34, 507.36, 507.38, 612.15, 612.20, 612.30, & 614.11 Library Media Specialist, Theatre, Music and Classical Languages (eff 6-9-11) EXPIRES: 12-6-11


#9940*      INTERIM RULE – Amend Ed 306.27(j) High School Diploma (eff 6-9-11) EXPIRES: 12-6-11




The Higher Education Commission was established in RSA 21-N:8-a, II pursuant to 2011, 224:126, effective July 1, 2011, with its rulemaking authority under RSA 21-N:8-a, II(e)(6).  The former Postsecondary Education Commission was abolished through the repeal of RSA 188-D by 2011, 224:125, X, effective July 1, 2011.  Existing rules in the program areas listed in 2011, 224:149, I (Pos 1200, 1400, 1500, and 1700) were transferred to the Department of Education, Division of Higher Education (with rulemaking authority under the Board of Education pursuant to RSA 21-G:9, II(b)).  Existing rules in the program areas listed under 2011, 224:149, II (Pos 1000 and Pos 1100) were transferred to the Higher Education Commission.  Chapters Pos 600-900 and Pos 1600 were not transferred, and rulemaking authority for those program areas was repealed by 2011, 224:125, IX and X.


The Division of Higher Education of the Department of Education was established in RSA 21-N:8-a, I pursuant to 2011, 224:126, effective July 1, 2011, and provides “support for the higher education commission established in paragraph II in furtherance of its duties.”


#9954-A*   Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304.01, & 1405.01 Alternative Education, Tuition and Transportation (eff 7-14-11)


#9954-B*   Adopt Ed 1304.02, & 1405.02 Alternative Education, Tuition and Transportation Forms (eff
7-14-11) DO NOT EXPIRE


#9974*      Amend, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.02(a), 507.05, & 612.31(d) Comprehensive Technology Education (eff 8-12-11)


#9991*      Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.39, 507.391, 612.07, & 612.071 General Special Education and Early Childhood Special Education (eff 9-16-11)


#9992*      Readopt Ed 505.01-505.05 & 513.01-513.02 Alternative Certification and Basic Academic Skills (eff 9-16-11)


#9993*      Amend Ed 506.04(c), 507.12(a), (b) intro. & (b)(1) intro., 509.03(c), & 614.02(a) Principal, Reading and Writing Specialist, and Renewal Documentation (eff 9-16-11)


#10046*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 505.06, 505.07, 609.01, & 610.02 General and Professional Education (eff 12-17-11)


#10047*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 306 various sections & paragraphs Minimum Standards for Public School Approval (eff 12-17-11)


#10074*     Adopt, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 1-19-12)


#10089*     Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 510 & 511 Proceedings and Denial, Suspension, or Revocation for Certified Personnel (eff 2-23-12)


#10129*     Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 315 Home Education (eff 5-18-12)


#10130*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.18(b) intro & (b)(5), 507.34, 507.36, 507.38, 612.03(b) intro & (b)(5), 612.15, 612.20 and 612.30 Early Childhood Education, Classical Languages, Music and Theatre (eff 5-18-12)


#10151*     Adopt Ed 507.21 & 614.11 Library Media Specialist (eff 6-22-12)


#10245*     Adopt, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.04, 506.06, 506.08, 507.35, 512, & 614.04 Principal, Associate Principal, District Administrator, Educational Interpreter and Professional Development (eff 12-21-12)


#10246*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.04, 507.46, 507.47, & 612.31(c), (e), (f) Comprehensive Agricultural, Marketing and Business Education (eff 12-21-12)


#10247*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.01, 506.02, & 614.05 Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent (eff 12-21-12)


#10276*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.03, 507.01, 507.17, 507.20, 612.06, 614.10, & 614.12 Business Administrator, Career and Technical Education Director, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), and Library Media Coordinator (LMC) Supervisor (eff 2-22-13)


#10295*     Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/Amend Ed 601-608, 609.01(b)(1), 611, 613, 615, & 616 Procedures for Approval, Standard for PEPP, IHE Responsibility (eff 3-22-13)


#10360*     Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 400 Nonpublic Schools (eff 6-15-13)


#10361-A* Readopt Ed 216 Explanation of Adopted Rules (eff 6-15-13) DO NOT EXPIRE


#10361-B* Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 310, 317, & 704 - Daily Physical Activity Program, Suspension and Expulsion of Students and High School Equivalency Programs (eff 6-15-13)


#10362*     Adopt, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 508 & 509 Application for Certification and Credential Renewal and Validity (eff 6-15-13)


#10363*     Adopt, Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 321 & 322 Building Aid and Leased Spaces (eff 6-15-13)




RSA 21-N:8-a governing the Higher Education Commission and the Division of Higher Education of the Department of Education was repealed and reenacted by 2013, 164:1, effective 6-28-13, with rulemaking authority for the Higher Education Commission now under RSA 21-N:8-a, II(e)(8).  Also, rulemaking authority for the program area in Pos 1200 (scholarships for orphans for veterans) was transferred from the Board of Education to the Higher Education Commission by 2013, 164:2, effective 6-28-13.  Pos 1200 was thereby also transferred to the Higher Education Commission.  See the filing history for the Higher Education Commission for subsequent filings in this area.


Substantive program authority under RSA 187-A:20-b for Pos 1400 (tuition waivers for foster children) and under RSA 187:20-a for Pos 1700 (scholarships for orphans of police and firefighters) was transferred from the Department of Education under 2013, 164:4 to the University System of New Hampshire (USNH) and the Community College System of New Hampshire (CCSNH).  Rulemaking authority for the Board of Education in these areas was repealed by 2013, 164:7, effective 6-28-13.  Rulemaking authority in these areas for the USNH and the CCSNH is understood to be exempt from RSA 541-A, and the former Pos 1400 and Pos 1700 repealed by the action of 2013, 164:4 and 2013, 164:7.


#10486      DECLARATORY RULING:  Regardless as to whether RSA 195:7 requires a cooperative school board to "offer" and "recommend" an apportionment formula before district adoption and State Board certification and approval, the Board lacks jurisdiction to grant the request by the Town of Troy to declare an amendment to the Monadnock Regional School District formula to be void and of no effect (eff 11-26-13)


#10506*     Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 504.01-504.041, 507.02, 507.03, 507.09, 507.12(a), 507.251, 507.28 intro., (a), & (b) intro., 507.29, 507.50(a), 507.51, 612.01, & 614.14 Professional Credentials and Elementary Math Specialist (eff 1-17-14)


#10556*     Adopt, Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 306 Minimum Standards for Public School Approval (eff 3-27-14)


#10557*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 315 Home Education (eff 3-27-14)


#10558*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 501, 502, 503, 507.11, & 612.04 Certification Information, Elementary Education (eff 3-27-14)


#10590*     Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1113.04-.06, 1114.07-.09, 1120.04(a) intro. & (a)(7), 1120.08 intro., (a) intro., (a)(1)&(2), & Ed 1200 Child Restraint Practices, Behavioral Interventions, Parental Consent, and Access to Public and Private Insurance (eff 5-15-14)


#10649*     Readopt Ed 302-304, 311, 316, & 900 Duties of Superintendents, School Boards, Principals, School Health Services, and Dropout Prevention (eff 7-26-14)


#10667*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 513.01 & 513.03 Requirements for Initial Certification (eff 9-11-14)


#10785*     Adopt Ed 507.06, 507.07, 507.08, 614.03, & 614.06 School Counseling and School Psychology (eff 2-20-15)


#10870*     EMERGENCY RULE - Readopt w/Amend, Repeal Ed 306 (various sections) Minimum Standards for Public School Approval (eff 6-29-15) EXPIRES: 12-26-15


#10873*     Adopt, Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 318 & 319 Chartered Public School and Open Enrollment Schools (eff 7-1-15)


#10927*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 505.03(e), 506.05, & 614.13 Curriculum Administrator (eff


#10951*     Adopt, Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.04 (f) intro. & (4), 506.08 (f) intro. & (4), 507.16, & 612.21 Physical Education and Principal (eff 10-20-15)


#11019*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 1200 Child Restraint Practices (eff 1-8-16)


#11020*     Repeal, Readopt Ed 306 various sections Minimum Standards for Public School Approval (eff


#11110*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.07 & 614.15 Special Education Administrator (eff 5-27-16)


#11111*     Adopt Ed 507.15 & 612.16 Health Educator and Health Education (eff 5-27-16)


#11139*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 320 Manifest Educational Hardship (eff 7-16-16) EXPIRES:


#11153*     Readopt Ed 507.40-507.45, 612.08-612.13 Special Education Categoricals (eff 8-16-16)


#11154*     Adopt, Amend Ed 507.48 & 612.31(g) Comprehensive Family and Consumer Science (eff


#12089*     Adopt Ed 507.19 & 614.08 Specialist in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning (SAIF) (eff


#12141*     Repeal, Readopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1100 various sections NH Rules for the Education of Children with Disabilities (eff 3-24-17)


#12142*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.12 & 614.02 Reading and Writing Specialist (eff 3-24-17)


#12143*     Adopt Ed 504.05 and 504.06 Paraeducator I and II (eff 3-24-17)


#12144*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.14 & 614.07 School Social Worker (eff 3-24-17)


#12145*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.49 & 612.32 Dance Teacher and Dance Education (eff 3-24-17)


#12148*     Adopt Ed 507.37 & 612.14 World Language (eff 3-24-17)


#12205*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 1401-1404, 1406-1409 Career and Technical Education (eff 6-10-17) EXPIRES: 12-7-17


#12371*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 1410 Robotics Education Fund (eff 8-25-17) EXPIRES: 2-21-18


#12384*     Adopt - Ed 507.23 & 614.09 School Speech-Language Specialist (eff 9-20-17)


#12417*     Readopt Ed 507.24, 507.53, 612.05, & 612.35 English Language Arts Teacher (eff 11-14-17)


#12418*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 306.12, 504.07-504.09, 508.06, 509.01, 509.02, & 512.07 School Nurse Certification (eff 11-14-17)


#12419*     Adopt, Amend Ed 505.05(a) intro., (a)(1), (a)(2) (various), 507.52, & 612.33 Computer Science Educator (eff 11-14-17)


#12452*     Readopt Ed 507.27, 507.54, 612.28, & 612.29 Social Studies Teacher (eff 1-12-18)


#12453*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.28 & 612.22 Science Teacher for Grades 5-8 (eff 1-12-18)


#12454*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.29 & 612.23 Science Teacher; General Requirements (eff 1-12-18)


#12455*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.30 & 612.24 Earth and Space Science Teacher for Grades 7-12 (eff 1-12-18)


#12456*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.31 & 612.25 Life Sciences Teacher for Grades 7-12 (eff 1-12-18)


#12457*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.32 & 612.26 Chemistry Teacher for Grades 7-12 (eff 1-12-18)


#12458*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.33 & 612.27 Physics Teacher for Grades 7-12 (eff 1-12-18)


#12459*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.51 & 612.34 Physical Science Teacher for Grades 7-12 (eff


#12498*     Adopt Ed 320 Manifest Educational Hardship (eff 3-23-18)


#12539*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.19 & 614.08 Specialist in Assessment of Intellectual Functioning (eff 5-31-18)


#12547*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1102.01 (y), (z), (aa), 1102.03, and 1113.12 Definitions and Personnel Standards (eff 6-14-18)


#12573*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 1300 (formerly Ed 1300 & Ed 1400) Alternative Education and Career and Technical Education (eff 7-14-18)


#12601*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 1128 Special Education Aid (eff 8-9-18)


#12602*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 513.01 Basic Academic Skills and Subject Area Assessment (eff 8-9-18)


#12603*     Adopt, Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.25, 507.26, 507.27, 612.17, & 612.18 Math Teacher Certification (eff 8-9-18)


#12661*     Adopt, Repeal, Readopt w/Amend Ed 501.01, 501.02, 502.01, 510, 511, 512 Certification Standards for Educators on Code of Professional Conduct, Investigations and Disciplinary Proceedings, and Denial of Certification (eff 11-9-18)


#12662*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.22 and 612.19 Digital Learning Specialist (eff 11-9-18)


#12726*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 403.03, 405.01, 407.01 Non-public School Approval (eff 2-16-19)


#12813*     Adopt Ed 505.08 & 610.01 Code of Conduct Requirement (eff 6-15-19)


#12814*     Amend Ed 306.18(c) School Year (eff 6-15-19)


#12844*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.05, 612.31, 612.36-612.39 Technology and Engineering Teacher and Educator Preparation Programs for Various Endorsements (eff 8-9-19)


#12845*     Adopt, Amend, Repeal, Readopt w/Amend Ed 306 (various) Minimum Standards for Computer Science and Kindergarten (eff 8-9-19)


#12895*     EMERGENCY RULE – Readopt w/Amend Ed 322.09 School Lease Aid (eff 10-10-19) EXPIRES: 4-7-20


#12896*     EMERGENCY RULE – Readopt w/Amend Ed 1307 Robotics Education Fund (eff 10-10-19) EXPIRES: 4-7-20


#12897*     INTERIM RULE – Readopt Ed 505.01-505.05 Qualifying Methods for Obtaining a Teaching Credential (eff 10-11-19) EXPIRES: 4-8-20


#12898*     INTERM RULE – Readopt Ed 507.40 and 507.41 General Special Education Teacher and Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (eff 10-11-19) EXPIRES: 4-8-20


#12971      INTERIM RULE – Readopt Ed 1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Program (eff 1-10-20) EXPIRES: 7-8-20


#13001      EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Ed 306.18(a)(7) School Year – Remote Instruction (eff 3-12-20) EXPIRES: 9-8-20


#13022      EMERGENCY RULE – Adopt Ed 505.01 - 505.05 Pathways to Certification (eff 4-9-20) EXPIRES: 10-6-20


#13023      EMERGENCY RULE – Adopt Ed 507.40 & 507.41 Pathways to Certification (eff 4-9-20) EXPIRES: 10-6-20


#13024      EMERGENCY RULE – Amend Ed 401.03(e) School Year - Remote Instruction (eff 4-9-20) EXPIRES: 10-6-20


#13026*     Amend, Readopt w/Amend Ed 1102.04(h) and 1119.01 Confidentiality Requirements for Education of Children with Disabilities (eff 4-10-20)


#13054*     Readopt/Readopt w/Amend Ed 321 School Building Aid (eff 6-12-20)


#13069      EMERGENCY RULE – Adopt Ed 1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 7-14-20) EXPIRES: 1-10-21


#13090*     Adopt Ed 1400 Learn Everywhere Program for High School Graduation Credit (eff 8-14-20)


#13099*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.40 and Ed 507.41 Special Education Teacher and Early Childhood Special Education Teacher (eff 9-11-20)


#13100*     Readopt/Readopt w/Amend Ed 501-503, 504 various Credential Standards for Educational Personnel (eff 10-5-20)


#13101*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 505 How To Obtain a New Hampshire Educator License (eff 10-5-20)


#13102*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 506.09, 506.10 & 508 Requirements for Specific Educator Endorsements (eff 10-5-20)


#13103*     Repeal/Readopt w/Amendment Ed 509, 512-514 Renewal and Denial of Credentials (eff 10-5-20)


#13157      EMERGENCY RULE – Adopt Ed 1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 1-11-21) EXPIRES: 7-10-21


#13157-A   REPEAL OF EMERGENCY RULE – Repeal Ed 1000 under Document #13157 Emergency Rule Related to Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 1-15-21 @ 9:24 a.m.)


#13158*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 315 Home Education (eff 1-15-21)


#13159*     Amend Ed 306.27(d) Demonstrated Knowledge and Skills in High School (eff 1-15-21)


#13167      INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 504.12; Ed 505.07(b) intro., (16), & (17); Ed 505.08; and Ed 505.09(d) Criminal History Record Check Credential (eff 2-16-21) EXPIRES: 8-15-21


#13207*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 322 and Ed 323 Regional Career and Technical Education Center Lease Aid and Charter School Lease Aid (eff 5-20-21)


#13231*     Adopt Ed 1000 Vocational Rehabilitation Programs (eff 7-13-21)


#13245      Amend/Readopt w/Amend Ed 306.22 and Ed 306.18(a)(7) Remote Instruction: Distance Education and School Year (eff 7-29-21)


#13253*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 318 Chartered Public Schools (eff 8-18-21)


#13257*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 324 Education Freedom Accounts Program (eff 8-27-21) EXPIRES: 2-23-22


#13303      Readopt Ed 504.12, Ed 505.07, Ed 505.08, and Ed 505.09 Criminal History Record Check Credential (eff 12-10-21)


#13345*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 800 Education Freedom Accounts Program (eff 2-22-22)


#13356*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 306.18 and Ed 306.22 School Year and Distance Education (eff 2-19-22)


#13374      INTERIM RULE - Adopt/Readopt/w Amend Ed 504.12, Ed 505.07, Ed 505.08, Ed 512.01, and Ed 604.09 Criminal History Record Check for New Applicants and PEPP Candidates (eff 4-26-22) EXPIRES: 10-23-22)


#13393*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 1400 Learn Everywhere Program for High School Graduation Credit (eff 6-10-22) EXPIRES: 6-10-32


#13394*     Adopt/Readopt/w Amend Ed 306.26, Ed 306.27, Ed 306.46, and Ed 306.49 Holocaust and Genocide Education (eff 6-10-22) EXPIRES: 6-10-32


#13484*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.18 Early Childhood Education Teacher (eff 11-11-22) EXPIRES: 11-11-32


#13485*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.35 Theatre Teacher (eff 11-11-22) EXPIRES: 11-11-32


#13486*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.37 Classical Languages Teacher (eff 11-11-22) EXPIRES: 11-11-32


#13487*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.39 Music Teacher (eff 11-11-22) EXPIRES: 11-11-32


#13561*     Adopt Ed 1500 Innovation Schools (eff 2-22-23) EXPIRES: 2- 22-33


#13562*     Adoption/Readopt w/Amend Ed 504.12, Ed 505.07, Ed 505.08, Ed 505.09, Ed 512.01, Ed 604.09 Criminal History Record Checks for First-Time New Hampshire Applicants and Professional Educator Preparation Program (PEPP) Candidates (eff 2-22-23) EXPIRES: 2-22-33


#13610*     Repeal Ed 508.05 Speech Language Specialist (eff 4-14-23) EXPIRES: 4-14-33


#13634*     Repeal Ed 507.04 Comprehensive Agricultural Educator (eff 5-12-23) EXPIRES: 5-12-33


#13635      Repeal/Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.48 & Ed 507.49 Comprehensive Business Educator (eff 5-12-23) EXPIRES: 5-12-33


#13636*     Adopt Ed 607.04 Professional Education Requirements (eff 5-12-23) EXPIRES: 5-12-33


#13654*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 310 Developmentally Appropriate Daily Physical Activity Program (eff 6-9-23) EXPIRES: 6-9-33


#13655      Repeal/Readopt w/Amend Ed 501.02, Ed 505.03, Ed 505.05, Ed 506.01- Ed 506.09 Administrative Endorsements (eff 7-1-23) EXPIRES: 7-1-33


#13656*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 504.11 Educational Interpreter/Transliterator for Children and Youth Ages 3-22 (eff 6-9-23) EXPIRES: 6-9-33


#13690*     Readopt w/Amend/Adoption Ed 507.52 Reading and Writing Teacher and Prep Program (eff 7-21-23) EXPIRES: 7-21-33


#13717*     INTERIM RULE - Readopt w/Amend Ed 1301.01 Definitions and Adopt Ed 1304.02 Regional Career and Technical Education Agreements (RCTEA) in Ed 1304 Regional Committee Management  (eff 8-11-23) EXPIRES: 2-7-24


#13718*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 307 Manifest Educational Hardship (eff 8-11-23) EXPIRES: 8-11-33


#13719*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.17 ESOL Teacher (eff 8-11-23) EXPIRES: 8-11-33


#13720*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 323 Charter School Lease Aid (eff 8-12-23) EXPIRES: 8-12-33


#13743*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 602.05 Application Fees for Program Review (eff 9-15-23) EXPIRES: 9-15-33


#13744*     Repeal/Readopt w/Amend Ed 603, Ed 604.01-Ed 604.08, Ed 605, and Ed 606 Standards for Curriculum, Clinical Practice, Resources and Assessment Systems for Professional Educator Preparation Programs (PEPPs) (eff 9-15-23) EXPIRES: 9-15-33


#13745*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 315 Home Education (eff 9-15-23) EXPIRES: 9-15-33


#13746*     Adopt/Readopt/w Amend/Repeal Ed 607, Ed 608, Ed 612, and Ed 614 Institution Responsibilities and Content and Specialty Standards for Educator Preparation Programs (eff 9-16-23) EXPIRES: 9-16-33


#13747*     Adopt/Readopt/w Amend Ed 601.01, Ed 602.01-Ed 602.04, and Ed 602.06-Ed 602.19 Procedures for Approval for Professional Educator Preparation Programs (eff 9-16-23) EXPIRES: 9-16-33


#13772*     Adopt Ed 320 School Facility Approval Process (eff 10-12-23) EXPIRES: 10-12-33


#13773*     Readopt w/Amend Ed 1100 various Special Education - 21 Inclusive (eff 10-12-23) EXPIRES: 10-12-33


#13805*     Adopt/Readopt/w Amend Ed 1301.01 and Ed 1304.02 Regional Career and Technical Education Agreements (RCTEA) (eff 11-9-23) EXPIRES: 11-9-33


#13822*     INTERIM RULE Readopt w/Amend Readopt w/Amend Ed 507.54 Computer Science Educator (eff 12-15-23) EXPIRES: 6-12-24


#13823*     INTERIM RULE Readopt w/Amend Ed 504.08- Ed 504.10, Ed 509.01 and Ed 509.02 School Nurse Licensure and Renewal (eff 12-15-23) EXPIRES: 6-12-24


#13853      Readopt w/Amend Ed 400 Approval of Nonpublic Schools (eff 1-12-24) EXPIRES: 1-12-34


#13854      Readopt w/Amend Ed 317 Standards and Procedures for Suspension and Expulsion of Pupils Including Procedures Assuring Due Process (eff 1-12-23) EXPIRES: 1-12-34


#13902*     INTERIM RULE – Adopt Ed 507.09 Ed 507.09 Visual Arts Teacher (eff 3-15-24) EXPIRES: 9-11-24


#13924      Readopt w/Amend Ed 1400 Learn Everywhere Program for High School Graduation Credit (eff 4-12-24) EXPIRES: 4-12-34