The Bureau of Emergency Communications was established effective 7-5-92 pursuant to 1992, 165:1. The Bureau, headed by the Executive Director, has rulemaking authority under RSA 106-H:7.

#7397*            Adopt Emer 100 Organizational Rules (eff 11-2-00)

#7398*            Adopt Emer 300 Selection, Educational and Training Standards for Telecommunicators (eff 11-2-00)

#7427*            Adopt Emer 400 Functioning of the Agency (eff 1-17-01)

#7606-A*        Adopt Emer 201-214 Procedural Rules (eff 12-4-01) No Expiration

#7606-B*        Adopt Emer 215-216 Procedural Rules (eff 12-4-01) 8-year Expiration


            Pursuant to 2003, 319:98, effective 9-4-03, the rules and rulemaking authority of the Bureau of Emergency Communications were transferred to the Department of Safety.  RSA 106-H:7 was also repealed by 2003, 319:131, V, effective 9-4-03.

            See rules numbered Saf-C 7000 of the Department of Safety for subsequent rulemaking in this area.