Document #2235, effective 12-30-82, adopted Chapter Adm 300 titled “Requirements for Administrative Agencies” and Chapter Adm 400 titled “Requirement for Revenue Processing.” The chapters were readopted by Document #3032, effective 5-31-85.


Document #4876, effective 7-23-90, adopted Adm 315.04 titled “Special Disbursement-Equipment Fund” as an interim rule in Adm 300.  Document #4972, effective 11-20-90, subsequently readopted Adm 315.04 as a regular rule.  All rules in Adm 300 and Adm 400, except for Adm 315.04, expired 5-31-91, and Adm 315.04 subsequently expired 11-20-96.


      Adm 300 and Adm 400 were provisions in the “Manual of Procedures” of the Department of Administrative Services.  Pursuant to 2000, 288:2, effective 7-1-00, the definition of “rule” in RSA 541-A:1, XV was amended to exclude the “Manual of Procedures” from the definition of a “rule”, and thus be exempt from RSA 541-A, as follows:


The term "rule'' shall include rules adopted by the director of personnel, department of administrative services, relative to the state employee personnel system. Notwithstanding the requirements of RSA 21-I:14, the term "rule'' shall not include the manual described in RSA 21-I:14, I or the standards for the format, content, and style of agency annual and biennial reports described in RSA 21-I:14, IX, which together comprise the manual commonly known as the administrative services manual of procedures. The manual shall be subject to the approval of governor and council. 


      Although expired as rules, Adm 300 and 400 have been independently adopted by the Governor and Executive Council as the Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Manual of Procedures.  Copies of Adm 300 and 400 are available from agency business supervisors in the DAS Budget Office, 25 Capitol Street, Concord, NH, 03301, telephone (603) 271-3204. Additional provisions of the current “Manual of Procedures” may also be obtained from the DAS Budget Office and are available to agencies on the “Sunspot” state intranet site at: