The New Hampshire

House of Representatives

House of Representatives

House of Representatives Meeting Schedule


Jan 31, 2024

09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

Legislative Office Building


==REVISED==House Judiciary

9:00 AMCACR12relating to the definition of the word "cherish." Providing that the 1784 word "cherish" shall be replaced by the 2024 word "cherish."
9:45 AMHB1169creating a private cause of action for discrimination based on hairstyles relative to a person's ethnicity.
10:30 AMHB1220(Second New Title) abolishing the collection of racial and educational data for use in a marital application worksheet and relative to the expectation of privacy.
11:15 AMHB1245relative to release of confidential records of a person appointed a guardian.
11:30 AMHB1696(non-germane Amendment 2024-0237h) (New Title) relative to local records retention.
1:00 PMHB1432(New Title) relative to prohibiting certain uses of deepfakes and creating a private claim of action.
1:45 PMHB1475relative to preventing strategic lawsuits against public participation.
2:30 PMHB1603relative to unlawful discriminatory practices.
3:15 PMHB1037relative to repealing limited liability for manufacturers, distributors, dealers, or importers of firearms or ammunition.